About Us
- HanSol Trade Co.,Ltd
- Our charcoal is made from an oak tree.
Our products are environmentally friendly products.
- Since 1999, we have produced and supplied a variety of charcoal products such as charcoal powder paint, charcoal compressed deodorizer, charcoal pannel, charcoal tile, charcoal tooth paste, charcoal soap, charcoal bath bomb, charcoal tissue, charcoal vinyl, and charcoal socks, etc.
The efficacy of charcoal : deodorization, sterilization, antibiosis, infrared radiation, humidity regulation, ethylene absorption.
- Certification/Patent
- Charcoal picture frame
- Charcoal Deodorizer
- Charcoal Powder Paint

- ISO 9001
/ ISO 14001 
- Certified as a trade frontier enterprise in Gyeonggi-do

- current export condition / plan
- We currently export our charcoal products to Japan and Denmark. Especially we supplies our charcoal products to 8 countries in Europe as we get the positive reaction in Denmark market.
We keep trying to develop new charcoal products in order to export them to Europe and USA.